The Color green is a very useful and benefiting color to peoples. You may ask “what is so great about GREEN?” well allow me to explain the benefits of this great color.
1) Nature of Green: Green is a restful color with some of the same calming attributes of blue. Like blue, time moves faster in a green room.
2) Using Green: With both a warming and cooling effect, the color green denotes balance, harmony, and stability.
3) The science of Green: Green is the color of healing and traveling back in time. It will balance the emotions and brings about a feeling of calmness. Green is a good general healing color because it stimulates growth therefore it is good for helping heal broken bones - regrowth of tissue of all kinds. Green is also alchemy - the alchemy of consciousness from one realm to another through the spiraling energies of DNA
4) Creates Moods: your can determine your mood. Selecting the correct color for your bedroom can help you sleep better.
The end is that having the color green can really help you calm down and relax. I believe that with calm and relax mind we can focus and concentrated better.
So get as much green stuff to your environment.
Buy WAIT!!
I’m not asking you to buta-buta buy or bring in a big pot of plant outside your house to your room just to keep you focus. Or paint you room or whole house green.
What you can do is put in posters / small plants / or event use more green in your notes to get that calm and relax feeling.
I recommend a small plant, it’s easy to move, nice, and its easily approved by mom and dad. This way you play a part to add green to your environment.
I hope you test this out and see how its helps you as I benefited from it.